Our mission is to help clients make things happen, to achieve breakthrough results by resolving complex business and technical problems that others had considered unsolvable.


“TEI” is an innovative 21st century consultancy & service oriented organization for the new millennium to cope the challenges faced by the commercial community in their day to day activities in promoting and propagating their activities in the electronic age to the World at large by way of developing network systems, designing, and underwriting commercial packages in marketing and promoting produce and products of manufacturers & distributors.

Developing specialized customer success packages is our specialty.

Tweraser Enterprises, Inc is centrally located in South Florida in order to take full advantage of the world markets, from Latin and North America, Europe, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. We are virtually equidistant from all points. The Region is the location of choice for over 1,200 foreign companies and subsidiaries and is the home to tens of thousands of businesses that derive a portion of their earnings from global trade.

There are two Foreign Trade Zones in the region, which allow incoming products made overseas to be warehoused and deferred from customs duties until they are ready to enter the domestic market. Foreign Trade Zones also allow for re-processing or repackaging of goods, for either re-export or introduction into the domestic market at an opportune time. This translates directly into growth for the Region's economy. As many as 20,000 jobs are created for every $1 billion in export sales (Florida Economic Commerce and Growth Communication).

In order for businesses to take advantage of the Region's air and port facilities, and capitalize on the already strong international trade market, TEI offers many programs and services to help area companies.

Contact Tweraser Enterprises at 954 701 6587 or at info@tweraser.com.